Making Highbury bloom again

Joseph Chamberlain was a very modern politician who understood the importance of making himself into an instantly recognisable brand. For more than four decades two devices contributed to his instant recognition his monocle and the orchid he wore in his buttonhole. However, the orchid was more than merely a device it represented his passionate love of gardening, which was expressed at the Venetian Gothic home he built on the outskirts of Birmingham, Highbury Hall.

The gardens were widely written about in the press as Joseph Chamberlain had such a high political profile and he lavished time, money and energy on the gardens, keeping them perfect was the great relaxation of his life.

Keywords: Highbury, Joseph Chamberlain, Gardens, Parks, Open spaces, Chamberlain, Birmingham

Speeches that changed Britain

A fascinating and richly illustrated book exploring speeches made in Birmingham that changed history. Meet some of Britain’s most famous orators. The book reflects the importance of oratory in making a political argument. It may in a sound-bite era be a dying art but these speeches fulfil the first requirement...


Presented by:

Phillada Ballard, Trustee, Chamberlain Highbury Trust

Produced by:

IDM Media

Special Thanks to:

Phillada Ballard, Film Birmingham, University of Birmingham Cadbury Research Library, The British Film Institute, Mary Evans Picture Library, Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo

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