Women vote for the first time - British General Election 1918

Historians from the University of Worcester - Maggie Andrews and Anna Muggeridge - explore their stories.

Learn more about the forgotten suffragettes of Birmingham in our film 'Deeds not Words' - Forgotten Birmingham Suffragettes and Suffragists

Keywords: Suffragettes, Suffragists, Maggie Andrews, Anna Muggeridge, University of Worcester, British General Election 1918

In Birmingham,

Words and Deeds - Birmingham Suffragists and Suffragettes 1832-1918

‘When words needed saying and deeds needed doing...’ Speech given at 1871 suffragist meeting in Birmingham by Eliza Sturge. In September 1909 Britain was shocked by the news that the Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith, had been attacked as he left a meeting at Birmingham’s Bingley Hall when, despite a...


Presented by:

Professor Maggie Andrews & Anna Muggeridge, University of Worcester

Directed by:

Sean Griffiths

Produced by:

Sean Griffiths

Thanks to:

Sound: Andy Partington

Images Kindly Supplied by:

Imperial War Museum, Mary Evans Picture Library, Library of Congress, House of Commons Library, Top Photo, TUC Library, British Newspaper Archive, Trinity Mirror, The British Library Board, Illustrated London News Group, Wikimedia Commons, Pathe

Special Thanks to:

Worcester Guild Hall for filming location