Reginald Mitchell: Father of the Spitfire
Reginald (RJ) Mitchell was one of the great designers and engineers of the 20th Century.
Born and educated in the Potteries, RJ created the revolutionary designs which made air races - particularly the Schneider Trophy - the pinnacle of aeronautical engineering and a huge public spectacle exceeding today’s Formula 1 Championship.
From these beautiful seaplanes, the Spitfire was born. But RJ never saw it fly in anger. He died of cancer in 1937 aged only 42.
Learn more about RJ’s life in this audio podcast with:
- Julian Mitchell RJ’s Great Nephew
- Mark Harris Director, Supermarine Aero Engineering, Stoke-on-Trent
- Jo Perry Formerly Assistant Curator of the Spitfire Gallery, Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
They discuss this remarcable Midlander with Mike Gibbs, Publisher of History West Midlands
KEYWORDS: Reginald Mitchell, Spitfire, World War 2, Potteries, Stoke, Potteries Museum and Art Gallery
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