The wonder of Anglo-Saxon craftsmanship
Chris Fern, Staffordshire Hoard Research Project, and Pieta Greaves and Eleanor Blakelock, Birmingham Museums Trust, talk to Jenni Butterworth about their quest to understand the extraordinary craftsmen who created the Staffordshire Hoard treasure.
They discuss:
- The scientific and archaeological techniques that are being used to understand the hoard at a microscopic level and work out how it was made.
- How the craftsmen who made the hoard might have worked, and what their workshops may have been like.
- Where the material and skills used in the hoard came from.
KEYWORDS: Staffordshire Hoard, Anglo Saxons, Mercia, Art, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, BMAG, Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Books
Warriors, Warlords and Saints
Anglo Saxon Mercia was a great power in its day, although many aspects of it have been shrouded in myth and mystery. However, recent discoveries, such as the Staffordshire Hoard and the Lichfield Angel, have shone a fascinating light into the world of Mercia and the Mercians. In Warriors, Warlords...
Jenni Butterworth
Chris Fern, Pieta Greaves, Eleanor Blakelock
In: Hoard, Anglo Saxons, BMAG,